XXVII edition
8th-10th June 2022 | Ferrara Fiere
Ferrara International Capital
of Cultural
After the courageous but winning choice to resume the Salone’s exhibition program in September 2021 with RESTAURO IN TOUR, for the first time in Bari at the Nuova Fiera del Levante, Ferrara Fiere is ready to host the twenty-seventh edition of RESTAURO – SALONE INTERNAZIONALE DEI BENI CULTURALI E AMBIENTALI scheduled from 8 to 10 June 2022 at the exhibition center of Ferrara.
An event increasingly the reference point of the entire sector, which continues its journey in Ferrara.
Exhibitors, conferences, exhibitions and events for three intense and concrete days of event.
Where you can find companies and institutions that make up the excellence of the Italian and international cultural heritage scene
which have allowed the Salone to become over the years the international hub of the sector, an ideal time for the community of professionals, public and private to meet to share experiences, thoughts, perspectives and strategies for the future.
Realized with the partnership of Assorestauro and thanks to the contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Agency-ICE
National and International
Of absolute thickness, which since the first days of its establishment has set itself the main objective of presenting innovative ideas and contents dedicated to Italian restoration at the event.
that through the event will be able to talk with the exhibiting companies for a concrete and satisfactory b2b.
In March 2021 the new Technical Scientific Committee of the International Restoration and Assorestauro Exhibition took office.
This strengthens the synergy and collaboration between the Salone and the association, partner of the RESTORATION MADE IN ITALY project, promoted and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its Agency-ICE operational arm for promotion abroad and internationalization. of Italian companies, with the aim of supporting and enhancing the Italian restoration sector in the world.
The Committee, coordinated by the President Prof. Arch.Alessandro Ippoliti, Director of the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, is composed as follows:
>> Silvia Paparella
Amministratore Delegato Ferrara Fiere Congressi Srl
>> Alessandro Bozzetti
Presidente Assorestauro
>> Ilaria Borletti Buitoni
Vice Presidente FAI-Fondo Ambiente Italiano
>> Gisella Capponi
già Direttore dell’ICR–Istituto Centrale per il Restauro
>> Giovanni Carbonara
Professore emerito di Restauro architettonico presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
>> Carla Di Francesco
già Segretario Generale MiC-Ministero della Cultura
>> Daniela Esposito
Presidente del Comitato Tecnico-Scientifico per il Paesaggio-Consiglio Superiore per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici-Ministero della Cultura
>> Piergiuseppe Venturella
Avvocato, Studio Tonucci & Partners
The Committee also intends to make use of high-profile figures for the joint and interdisciplinary treatment of specific issues related to the theme of restoration.
>> Marco Mari
President of Green Building Council Italy, the association that developed the “GBC Historic building” protocol for the voluntary certification of the level of sustainability of conservation, redevelopment, recovery and integration of historic buildings with different intended uses
>> Giovanni Legnini
>> Gianluca Loffredo
respectively Commissioner and Extraordinary Subcommissary of the Government for reconstruction for the areas of Central Italy affected by the earthquake in 2016 and 2017
XXVII edition
8th-10th June 2022 | Ferrara Fiere
Saudi Arabia
During The Event it will take place RESTORATION WEEK An extraordinary event born from the desire to place alongside the classic fashion, food and supply sectors, also this sector as a form of excellence of our tradition, expertise and Italian technology to be put at the service of the needs expressed by the various foreign countries increasingly oriented to the enhancement and recovery of their historical heritage. Through a spectacular itinerant tour, international delegates from all over the world (in presence and virtually through live streaming) will visit the main restoration sites of the Bel Paese, stopping in Ferrara during the days of the event to allow the deepening and the best knowledge of Italian restoration through the performance of b2b with the exhibiting companies.
RESTORATION – INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF CULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HERITAGE and the RESTORATION WEEK are the heart of the “PROJECT RESTAURO MADE IN ITALY“, born in 2019 thanks to the partnership with ASSORESTAURO – Italian Association for Architectural, Artistic, Urban Restorationand the contribution and support of theICE Agency, the operational arm of the MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION who have expressed the desire to recognize the RESTORATION sector as an excellence of Made in Italy and have set themselves the goal of promoting and enhancing the brand worldwide.
Ferrara Expo srl
Via della Fiera, 11
44124 Ferrara
C.F. – P.IVA e Reg. Imp. 02113830380
REA FE-226928